Mirroring a single feature - tutorial

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Mirroring single feature animation

Short blurb about mirroring a single feature animation

mirroring single feature

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Feature - Mirroring a single feature

You will need to provide a reference about which the feature will be mirrored.

5) in this instance select the datum mirror_ref from the model tree.

mirroring single feature tutorial image 3
Before you select tick and exit notice one thing;
Under the options tab you will notice that the default copy as dependant is selected. This means that when you change the original feature, the mirrored feature will change too. If you require the mirrored feature to be independent (i.e. the feature is un associated to the feature from which it was created) of the original feature then uncheck the copy as dependant option. or independent which means). In this instance
mirroring single feature tutorial image 4

6) Select the tick icon to complete the operation

Mirroring a single feature - tutorial

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